January 20th, 2023


Warm up
What do you like best for breakfast?

Mt. Fuji schoolgirl photo models who charmed Japan years ago reunite to celebrate Coming of Age Day

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you seen either of these photos before? What is your impression of the photos? What kind of feeling does it give you?
  2. What did you do to celebrate Coming of Age Day when you were young? Did you get any photos taken?
  3. Who were your closest friends at that time? Are you still in touch with them today?
  4. Do you have any interest in photography? Please explain.
  5. Please tell us about one of your favorite photos. (It can be your own photo or a famous photo. If you’d like, you can even bring the photo to class to show us.)
  6. Would you like to see more photos of these two girls together as they grow up? Why or why not?